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Scattered housing construction in Verdal

In the area plan of Verdal municipality, there is an opening for scattered residential construction with a total of up to 60 dwellings. This means that no municipal facilitation measures have been taken, but that it is possible to apply to build housing in the valleys in self-selected locations. It is the area restrictions in the plan that determine where it can be built.

Hallemsåsen. Photo: Albertine Vestvik

There are development areas that are currently in private ownership and with private developers. These plots are under planning and regulation, with various facilitators. These plots are in Leklemsåsen, Vinne, Solhaug (Forbregd/Lein), Vuku, Leksdal, Nestvold and Reinsholm/centre.

Contact person

If you are interested in adapted municipal plots, contact:

Bjorn Erik Haug
Phone: 74 04 85 15 / 993 54 879